Blogs on Economics, Politics, Christianity, Apologetics, and more…
I usually write a new blog once or twice a month…
April 2018
May 2018 Collection from Frye Photography
May 1st, 2018 Greetings from Santa Barbara. I am very pleased to release a new collection of landscapes from Frye Photography. These eight images are from inspiring locations here in the amazing west. Some of these images are from the well-known places which abound with beautiful subjects for photography. But, these epic places are also a challenge. The scenery is so familiar and iconic that one can fall into a bit of a creative malaise. This can result in copycat postcard images which are more documentation than inspiration. I find I must slow down and pay closer attention in these well-known places as it requires more intense work to seek out a fresh inspiration and perspective. In contrast, other images arise from the more "ordinary" places that are not considered a "photo destination" in the travel [...]
New Frye Photography Collection Coming Soon
April 11th, 2018 Hi all, Darlene and I are packing up to move and hit the road. All our stuff is going into storage by Thursday and then after closing escrow we hope to be on the road by Saturday. First stop is time with family in Camarillo. Later travels will include Santa Barbara, Ojai, maybe San Diego, Arizona, and then a meander to the east coast. Looking forward to our new adventure including some new opportunities for photography! Along those lines (or pixels 🙂 ) a new Frye Photography collection is coming in the next few weeks. Stay tuned! Will Update - April 19th: We are in Santa Barbara after a great visit with family in Camarillo.
March 2018
Eight New Landscapes from Frye Photography
Its been great to get back into the digital darkroom. I knocked around inside my photo archive and picked out 8 landscapes that inspired me. The above is a virtual rendition of my studio office with these eight new images on display. In photography (light drawing) the click of the shutter is but a piece of a creative process. Ansel Adams said the camera and film capture the score for the music of our experience. The score is a synopsis of the melody, dynamics, and harmonies that inspired us to compose and click the image. The film or focal plane provides a list of the notes to be played - a simplified summary of the complexity of the scene. But, he went on, it is in the darkroom that the score is turned into performance, [...]
September 2017
Riding Out the Upcoming Economic Storm
About eight years ago I started studying economics in a significant way. This is a topic that I had missed in my formal schooling. But the 2008 crisis got my attention in a big way as I lived through a major hit to my retirement savings (my 401K - which in my workplace became sadly and wryly called the 201K). But it was no laughing matter. Although we were still young enough to recover, the 2008 downfall really hurt my parents generation just as they were entering retirement. What had been a critical nest egg for many retirees quickly became a mere shell. Why had most economists completely missed predicting this event? In fact, Just prior to 2008 it most "experts" were lauding the strength of the economy. Just as they had missed the [...]
August 2017
Must See Video – The Two Sides of Liberty
Graphic by W.H. Frye What I love about Liberty as a primary political value is that it is so coherent, understandable, and powerful in solving political questions. Even the very hard questions, such as: What should be done about North Korea? The two principles of Liberty allow us to answer questions like this with confidence in a moral and sensible way. Love it! I highly recommend this video in which Walter Block of Loyola University makes a very direct and compelling case for the principles of liberty. Until next time, - Will
April 2017
The marvelous gift of Inequality
Hi Everyone, This post was inspired by recent events on college campuses where free speech is being violently and sadly violated. This blog links to my full article that challenges the idea inequality is something bad to be stamped out. I shared the article with a good friend who is a leader in social and community transformation: "This is the best economic discourse I have ever read. It makes total sense and your use of Adam and Oz to illustrate your points is really amazing. I enjoyed reading it and my mind has been stimulated to explore how your concepts could become a reality. I think you nailed a major flaw in our current society.” - Dick Siever Leadership and Organizational Development Executive You can read the full article here by clicking here: The marvelous gift of inequality [...]
March 2017
Libertarian Q&A
Hi Everyone, In a recent post I talked about the factors and thinking that led me to change my political views from that of a life long Republican to a Libertarian. You can read the post by clicking here: Why I Became a Libertarian and What That Is (and Isn't) Recently, I’ve had some substantive email exchanges about Libertarianism. Today, I want to share some good questions that were part of the discussions and my answers to them. Today - Answering some Questions Do libertarians think that it is unjust for individuals to consent to be governed? No. Libertarians believe it is just and proper for individuals to enter into contracts, including contracts that limit their own future activity. But only individuals have the right to determine the use of their own property (including their own life), [...]
February 2017
The Presidential Mirror
Hi Everyone, In my first blog (Of Donkeys and Elephants and Tribes) I wrote about how as a people and a nation we have become increasingly polarized and alienated. Shortly after the election I read an opinion piece that asserted that we as a nation we had passed a critical point of no return. The author soberly believed we were so fundamentally divided that it was time for the United States to break up into separate nations - essentially a blue nation and a red nation. Since the election there has been little that suggests that this recommendation is completely fanciful and without basis. Indeed, we have entered a twilight zone of political and cultural belligerence and intolerance that may be unprecedented. Not only is there diminished common ground and values - but also a radical level of [...]
January 2017
Breaking up with Sugar
Hi Everyone, I need to tell you something. I am in the middle of a break-up. It has been way too long. She has been very sweet and I have dearly loved every yummy second with her. She has been part of many meals and numerous snacks. Breaking up is indeed hard to do! But it it has to be done. You see - she is ruining my health and this is going nowhere good. You probably have figured out that I am not talking about my dear wife. No! The one I am breaking up with is sugar. All the added sugar that is such a part of the yummy foods that are just no good: juices, sodas, sweet drinks, candy bars, pastries, breakfast cereals, ice cream (the hardest of the bunch). [...]
Devotional – Sending us a Comforter
Hi all - I love to reflect on Scripture and write devotions around them and revel in the what Christ has done for us. Accordingly, this is the first blog within a new blog category for me. I know.... blogs should be topically focused and I am up to a half dozen blog topics now.. Oh well... feel free of course to skip topics that are not of interest. My non-Christian friends - you may not want to read this... but I hope you do. Will Sending us a Comforter John 14:15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor [...]
December 2016
News Flash: Expert Evolution Critic Who is not a Christian Fundamentalist
I previously posted some blogs on the topic of "Is There a God?". Part of my examination of this subject concerns the issue of how we go about explaining complexity and design that we find in the universe and the world and especially in living organisms. Here is the link: Is There a God? (part 2) - How Do We Explain Complexity and Design? In that blog I review both the theistic (those who believe in a supernatural origin to the physical realm) and reductionist materialist (those who believe there is no God and only the matter or stuff of the universe) positions. A quote from that blog: The third theistic design argument is that the evolutionary process itself has limitations that prevent it in principle from explaining the progression from the simplest life [...]
Reagan on Sound Money – The Ad That Never Aired
In the winter of 1980, a gentleman from Tampico, Illinois sat down and recorded 44 seconds worth of video footage. It was a profound insight into what is the real cause of inflation and monetary instability. Only 9 years earlier our nation had made a decisive and tragic move to unsound money. So as the lights glared and the camera rolled, Reagan calmly explained the single greatest threat this nation has ever faced. Unfortunately, this Ad was never aired, but it is surely prescient for our day and for what is sure to come. But the ramifications of unsound money are more extensive than the 70's price inflation that Reagan referenced. U.S. government fiat money was to create more widespread havoc than consumer price instability. Washington and the Federal Reserve have colluded to create a succession of stock market crashes, [...]
November 2016
The Overwhelming Problems that Donald and Congress Will Not Solve
The Stampeding Elephant in the Room: Unsound Money and Inflation Did you notice how little time was spent in the presidential debates talking about our horrible debt and rising consumer prices? In just the last year we have added another $1.6 trillion to the national credit card. This means every man, woman, and child in the U.S. just increased their share of the gov't debt tab by another $5000. Of course our politicians know that any real solution to our financial disaster would mean "taking the cure of austerity" which would result in their immediate unemployment. Accordingly, the debt and cost of living topics were quite the Tar-Babies. You can bet they will continue as such and Donald Trump and the party of "fiscal responsibility" will preside over another round of public spending and [...]
Photos from Zion and Bryce National Parks
Dar and I just go back from a week in Zion and Bryce National parks. The weather was perfect and the sites were fantastic. We highly recommend going in the fall! And it is a candy store for photography Will
October 2016
Halloween special – Interview with a Zombie
Today I went to the pharmacy and behind the counter was a young man in a white lab coat. Obviously constrained by pharmacy rules he improvised his own Halloween costume by taping a piece of paper on his lab coat that read "Ghost". I chuckled at his creative humor. He appreciatively smiled and replied, "I am glad someone appreciates my fun". This reminded me that it was Halloween because living in the country we don't get cute kids with costumes and outstretched goodie bags. With the lab coated young man in mind I thought it would be fun to write a blog with a Halloween vibe. Immediately what came to mind was the Tom Woods video "Interview with a Zombie". Classic! It is below for you. This video hysterically reminds me how hard it is as a Libertarian to get a receptive [...]
Is the God of the Bible a Tyrant?
I thought this was a very interesting presentation by Dr. Robert Murphy. I was intrigued to view this as Dr. Murphy is a Christian, Libertarian, and Austrian Economist. Not a usual combination, but one that I find fits together remarkably well. Quick summary: Some atheists assert: "I don't accept Christianity as true, but in addition would not want it to be true on moral grounds". Bob Murphy counters that if you accept what Christianity says about God along with moral principles of ownership, it certainly does not follow that He is an immoral tyrant. In fact, quite the contrary, God being the creator of all things does fully justify His sovereignty over them, and the standards and penalties He imposes on people. An interesting take: a Libertarian property rights defense of Christianity. Give this a view - good food for thought. - Will [...]
Liberty 101 – The Minimum Wage
Read About the Liberty Tenets Hi Everyone, In a recent post I talked about the factors and thinking that led me to change my political views from that of a life long Republican to a Libertarian and how I became convinced that the Libertarian philosophy is a more moral, consistent, and Christian political philosophy (in that follows the moral law of God more closely) than either modern day conservatism or progressivism. I will remind you of a key premise in my argument for Libertarianism: What is morally wrong for a person to do is also wrong for a group and wrong for a government. You can read the post by clicking here: Why I Became a Libertarian and What That Is (and Isn't) Thinking about issues as a Libertarian - Today: The Minimum [...]
September 2016
Is There a God? (Part 4) – The Christian Answer About God
In the first three parts of this series on the existence of God we have seen: The existence of God is Pivotal. The most pivotal human question. The Existence of God is Hotly Debated. Two worldviews in contrast: Theism (there is a God). Atheism (no God, there is only physical stuff). Three key issues regarding the existence of God: (1) The Nature and Existence of Physical Reality, (2) The Design and Purpose of Physical reality, (3) The explanation of Morality. Atheism denies that God is required to explain reality. Theism claims that God is required to explain physical existence, the condition and design of life, and the existence of objective morality. We now turn to examine the claims of Christianity. Christianity asserts there is only one true God who is: the explanation of all existence; the [...]
August 2016
Pulling on the Presidency
Hi Everyone, In a recent post I talked about the factors and thinking that led me to change my political views from that of a life long Republican to a Libertarian and how I became convinced that the libertarian philosophy is a more moral, consistent, and Christian political philosophy (in that follows the moral law of God more closely) than either modern day conservatism or progressivism. I will remind you of a key premise in my argument for Libertarianism: What is morally wrong for a person to do is also wrong for a group and wrong for a government. You can read the post by clicking here: Why I Became a Libertarian and What That Is (and Isn't) Pulling on The Presidency Today's topic is the U.S. Presidency. In a previous blog [...]
Is There a God? (Part 3) – Is Morality Real or Just Opinion and Preference?
This blog is part three of four on the question of God's Existence. In my book "Is There a God?" I focus the discussion of the question of God’s existence regarding three major areas of reality and discuss how atheism and monotheism think about each area with respect to explaining them with or without God. In the book I describe the major tenets and arguments made by each side within each of three pivotal areas: (1) The Nature and Existence of Physical Reality, (2) The Design and Purpose of Physical reality, (3) The explanation of Morality. To put these three areas in simpler language by the way of questions: Why does the universe and the physical order exist? What explains the complexity and appearance of design in nature? Is morality real or just opinion and preference? In part 3, we delve [...]
Why I Became a Libertarian and What That Is (and Isn’t)
Some have asked me to explain how it is that I came to be a Libertarian and how could I (??!!) as a Christian adopt such a political view (see point 14 below). Here is the first answer: The path to becoming a libertarian was one of becoming more and more aware and concerned regarding the immoral actions of governments in general and sadly and specifically our very own government (for an example please see my blog: Please – Not Again!). Sadly, I somehow had along the way in my life implicitly accepted that government somehow had special license to do things that were clearly wrong for individuals (theft, murder, torture, deception) and rationalized a lot of moral concerns about government away. Sad to say it was the Bush administrations (egads! - my own party) that [...]
July 2016
Is There A God? (Part 2) – How Do We Explain Complexity and Design?
This blog is part two of three on the question of God's Existence. In my book "Is There a God?" I focus the discussion of the question of God’s existence regarding three major areas of reality and discuss how atheism and monotheism think about each area with respect to explaining them with or without God. In the book I describe the major tenets and arguments made by each side within each of three pivotal areas: (1) The Nature and Existence of Physical Reality, (2) The Design and Purpose of Physical reality, (3) The explanation of Morality. To put these three areas in simpler language by the way of questions: Why does the universe and the physical order exist? What explains the complexity and appearance of design in nature? Is morality real or just opinion and preference? The first question [...]
Please – Not Again!
I remember well the start of the first gulf war. I watched as an oil drilling dispute between Iraq and Kuwait turned into an American war. As a conservative and registered Republican I did experience some doubt regarding what Bush senior and his cabinet were driving us into - War in the Middle East. But I was passionately sold with the language of nationalism and righteousness. It was a virtuous war to "Protect American interests" and to "be the champion of democracy and freedom". I smelled the disturbing odor of oil motive, but waived the flag and excitedly watched our exploits on the nightly news. I remember the day we started the bombing. I was in the halls at work and a colleague walked by and said with a smile quipped "we are rocking and rolling". It felt good to [...]