Blogs on Economics, Politics, Christianity, Apologetics, and more…
I usually write a new blog once or twice a month…
July 2016
Mr. Massie Goes To Washington
Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky is as refreshing as cool water on a scorching August day. He is smart, principled, candid, capable, courageous, and full of integrity. He is a brilliant engineer with 29 patents who after studying at MIT developed technology, brought it to market, and founded a 70 person company. After 10 years he felt called to public service and now serves 750,000 people of rural Kentucky. Mr. Massie identifies himself as a constitutional republican with libertarian leanings. His speeches and interviews are full of revelations about how Washington really works and the depth of corruption, craziness, and waste that fills the halls of congress. This is a politician worth listening to. A few Thomas Massie quotes: I am pessimistic about the national debt. When interest rates return to 5% we will [...]
June 2016
Is There a God? (Part 1) – Let’s Get Metaphysical
In my book "Is There a God?" I focus the discussion of the question of God’s existence regarding three major areas of reality and discuss how atheism and monotheism think about each area with respect to explaining them with or without God. In the book I describe the major tenets and arguments made by each side within each of three pivotal areas: (1) The Nature and Existence of Physical Reality, (2) The Design and Purpose of Physical reality, (3) The explanation of Morality. To put these three areas in simpler language by the way of questions: Why does the universe and the physical order exist? What explains the complexity and appearance of design in nature? Is morality real or just opinion and preference? Atheism answers each of these questions based upon the fundamental assertion that there is nothing in [...]
Help Wanted: A Constitutional President
Hi again. Today I am going to assert my convictions about the United States Presidency. The current election has certainly dominated the airwaves and set a lot of people to thinking and a lot of teeth on edge. Everyone seems to sense and feel that the nation is at an important crossroads and that the stakes are high. There are deep and profound worries about the economy, social conflict, crony capitalism, debt, student loans, civil rights, terrorism, security, immigration, inequality, and many other topics. There is a lot of anger and that has been reflected in the primary season where candidates outside of the traditional mainstream have made quite a splash and sometimes some resounding "thuds". Within the two major parties there is major dissent and even talk of walking away on principle [...]
The Tragedy of Venezuela
The tragedy of one more socialist "controlled" economy that has spiraled out of control and into shortages and despair. Pray for these leaders and people. Mark Perry blog: Venezuelan apocalypse: Some updates on the epic failure of socialism in oil-rich Venezuela
The Economy – 20 Sobering Facts that the Talking Heads and Feds Don’t Talk About
It is absolutely amazing to me that the media and government keep talking about how well the economy is doing. But the latest jobs data this past Friday seemed to give even the cheerleaders a reason to drop their pompoms and take a deep breath. Adding only 38,000 jobs last month when we need 150,000 to address the growing population is startling. If that is not bad enough, some estimate that we would need 250,000 new jobs a month to recover what has been lost since the 2008 crash. But new job creation is only a part of the rogues gallery of economic indicators. Below is a link to a collection of economic indicators that paint a very sobering picture indeed. Here is the summary of what you will find: The consumer price index [...]
The Miracle of the Simple Pencil
In our day many people denigrate capitalism without realizing that it is the free voluntary spontaneous market that is wondrously responsible for every object they own and use! As proof - Just consider the "simple" pencil. I, Pencil My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read I am a lead pencil—the ordinary wooden pencil familiar to all boys and girls and adults who can read and write. Writing is both my vocation and my avocation; that's all I do. You may wonder why I should write a genealogy. Well, to begin with, my story is interesting. And, next, I am a mystery—more so than a tree or a sunset or even a flash of lightning. But, sadly, I am taken for granted by those who use me, [...]
May 2016
Should England Leave the European Union?
Big Vote Coming up in England. This movie explores the reasons for England to leave.
Of Donkeys and Elephants and Tribes
We have all heard the old adage that in polite company one should avoid two topics: religion and politics. And this advice resonates with us because these two topics involve deeply held beliefs and values. In fact, discussion seems downright dangerous - a palpable threat not only to social civility and harmony, but also to self-esteem. Every time we discuss religion or politics we end up feeling both inadequate and vulnerable. Inadequate - because we care so much and yet seem so unable to make a case that persuades others. Vulnerable - because we value peace and harmony, but also because in our inability to persuade we are also admittedly ill-prepared to defend and justify our own beliefs. Inadequate and vulnerable - we all live there. When the topics are discussed it is readily evident how little communication there is when there is no [...]