We Have Worked With Christian Leaders to Guide Our Program.
We are Thrilled to Have Their Support.
“Phillip was dumbfounded. Jesus had just told him what to do. He and the disciples were asked to feed five thousand people. He even understood why he was to do it. The multitudes had been with Jesus the good part of the day and they were hungry—so hungry in fact that if they didn’t have something to eat, many would not be able to make it back home. Phillip did not lack clarity nor motivation for the mission. What prevented him taking action was neither the “what” nor the “why” but the how. “How will we ever find enough food to feed these hungry people?” Once Jesus explained the “how,” with the disciples help, the feast began.
For the most part Christ-followers today really want to make a difference in their communities and in the world. Whether they are animated by seeing the Great Commission fulfilled in our generation, by loving their neighbor as themselves or redeeming something broken in the world because of sin—trafficking, hunger, clean water, third-grade reading, etc., they do not lack motivation (the “why”) or mission (the “what”). What keeps them from making a difference is the “how.” We, like Phillip, often don’t know how to move the needle. What I like about this guide is that Serve and Live Your Faith Guidebook goes beyond telling people what they ought to do or even why they ought to do it to how to accomplish something great for God in their community and how to build great leaders in the process. Like any good tool, this guide helps the willing become able. And that is exactly what believers today are asking for.
In 2007 Baylor University researchers surveyed 50 congregations asking them to identify no more than three (of the 52 choices) topics that “you would like your church to help your family and other families with?” Here are their findings: “Almost without exception, in the more than 50 congregations we have surveyed…’help in serving others’ is the most frequently expressed need in every congregation…. Every kind of family asked for help serving. Never married adult families named it more often than items like dating, preparing for marriage, and romance and sexuality in single life. Divorced persons listed it more often than reconciliation and forgiving. Widowed families listed it more often than help with grief and coping with crisis. Families living with major stress—financial, health, relational –still want guidance in serving others.” [i]
Sometimes as leaders we feel like we’ve done everything we can. We’ve fished all night and haven’t caught a thing and it’s time to call it a day. But Serve and Live Your Faith Guidebook shows us there is another side on our boat in making an impact in our communities. It is my hope and prayer that everyone who joins this journey, changes themselves and changes the world around them.”
Eric Swanson Co-Author of The Externally Focused Church, served with Leadership Network and Campus Crusade (CRU)
“Drawing on the wisdom of Scripture and decades of experience in training, motivating and leading others, Dick Siever’s Live Your Faith Guidebook provides a wealth of practical guidance on how to recruit, inspire and equip teams of believers for community service that reflects the love of Christ. This guidebook will help you move from good intentions to life-changing action. It will show you how to develop the character, vision, discipline and relational skills needed to move out into your community and serve people with the love of Christ. Having devoted over thirty years of my life resolving conflict among Christians, I am delighted to see Dick’s focus on building authentic and fruitful relationships. What a refreshing way to counter the negative impact of social media on our churches and society! The relational skills taught through the Ingage Program are as applicable in the family as they are in a ministry or workplace. Wherever they are applied, these skills will strengthen relationships, reduce conflict, increase credibility and impact, and enhance your ministry team’s witness for Christ. As you and your church embrace these concepts and put them into practice, you can experience the exhilaration of being transformed more and more into the image of the Ultimate Servant and seeing Him use your gifts and efforts to draw others into that same transformative process.
Best of all, you can look forward to the day of accounting forecast in Matthew 25, knowing you and your people will hear those marvelous words, “‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master’”
Ken Sande, Founder of Peacemaker Ministries and Relational Wisdom 360
“Our communities are filled with selfish people who ignore others, hurt people who hurt others, egotistical people who use others, and insecure people who mistreat others. Sadly, churches are not immune to such folks and the tragic result is religious institutions known for plenty of things other than offering Life-giving service and love to their communities. Many of us would like to help change that trend but we don’t know where to start. A guide would be of invaluable help—which is why I’m so grateful for Live Your Faith Ministry and Leadership Development Guidebook. You’re holding in your hand a phenomenal tool that is both practical and proven, authored not in an ivory tower by someone who merely likes the idea of loving and serving others, but by someone who’s actually doing it and, consequently, one of the most Life-giving people I know. For many years, Dick Siever has been a friend and fellow ministry-leader and I’m thankfully delighted he has finally assembled these principles into a resource that can be both applied and multiplied, enabling more and more churches, ministries, and volunteers to learn to give away the grace and Life of Christ. It’s a powerful moment when a human being realizes his or her significance ultimately comes from being created in the image of God. Just as powerful is when she or he begins to see others as fellow image-bearers…and treats them accordingly. Practicing the ideas on these pages can transform individuals, churches, ministries, and communities—I’ve seen it happen first-hand. Allow this Guidebook to lead you down an adventurous path of not only receiving, but giving—a path marked with the footprints of people who are not only loved by God, but people who are also giving His love away. There’s a world dying for it.”
Matt Heard, Founder of THRIVE and author of Life with a Capital L: Embracing Your God-Given Humanity
“In the 20th century, the church was busy trying to figure out how to get our communities to come to church. In the 21st century, we need to figure out how to go and be the church in our communities. If this is going to happen, leaders will need a plan on how to transform inwardly focused Christians into outwardly focused Christ followers? You will find Dick Siever’s “Live Your Faith” guidebook tremendously resourceful no matter where your faith community finds itself on the outward focused journey. It has been written by a “reflective practitioner” who has “been there and done that”. The day of “home games” is just about over. If you are ready to start playing more “away games” Dick’s guidebook will help you “baby step” out of the church in practical, doable, and authentic ways”.
Doug Pollock is author of God’s GPS and travels the world helping churches move outside their walls.